Hours PerWeek
Unlimited (company)
Monthly Tuition (Auto-draft)
Tuition (No Card on file)
*** additional students in the family receive $10 sibling discount per month. ***
Private Dance Lessons
Email us for pricing and how to register.
Tuition is Non-Refundable
***Tuition is due the first of each month. A $20 late fee is added to your account after 10 days late.
***Monthly tuition does not change or is pro-rated for holidays, breaks, or for missed classes - you are charged the same tuition for every month enrolled September to May (or June- August for summer session). Our tuition pricing is based off the total for the year and then split into convenient monthly payments.
***Additional annual costs are registration, costume, and recital fees. If there is a card on file, it will automatically get charged on the listed dates unless requested otherwise. Families that continuously have their card declined are subject to losing discount and pay full tuition.
***Bravo Dance Academy accepts cash, check, card, or auto draft as methods of payment.
***There is a $25 fee for returned checks
***All balances must be at 0.00 to participate in the end of the year recital
There is a non-refundable $30 fee per student enrolled. Families with multiple students enrolled are charged $15 per additional student. Registration fee is once a year. Students enrolled in summer will not have to pay again.
Costume/ Recital
Costume fee is added to February tuition & Recital fee is added to March tuition
Costume fees vary per class and range from $60- $100. Students enrolled in multiple classes pay costume fees per class but only one-time recital fee.
The recital fee is $35 per students. Fee includes a recital memorabilia and a copy of the show.
Missed/ Cancelled Class
If a student misses a class, he/ she can make it up by attending another similar class within a month. Please check with your teacher or front desk for an appropriate time to make up the class. Absences DO NOT reduce the monthly tuition rate. Make ups are for the occasional missed class or vacations and should be made up within 15 days. Students must attend the same class on a regular basis to receive the best instruction.
Drop or Change Class
Tuition will continue to be charged until notice of cancellation is received.
Inclement Weather
For the most part, regular classes will NOT be held on a day Cabarrus County Schools are closed for bad weather. Cancelled classes due to inclement weather DO NOT reduce monthly tuition rate. Students are welcomed to make up the class that same week, but a formal make up class will not be scheduled. Please check email, Facebook, or Instagram for up to date cancellation information.
Dress Code
Creative Movement, PreDance, Ballet/Tap/Hip Hop Combo:
– Any color leotard and tights. May wear shorts or skirts. Dancers will need tan tap shoes and pink ballet shoes.
– Any color leotard with pink or black tights. Ballet skirts are optional. Dancers need pink ballet shoes.
– Any color leotard and tights. Shorts or leggings are optional. Dancers will need black tap shoes.
Hip Hop/ Jazz:
– Any color leotard and tights. Shorts, capris, and tight fitting tops are optional. Dancers will need black jazz shoes.
– Leotard or tight fitting shirt, exercise leggings, shorts. Dancer's will be dancing barefoot.
*All dancers should have hair secured and away from their face.